"A (wo)man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of (her)his life in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of beautiful God has implanted in the human soul."- Goethe

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who doesn't Love a Picnic?

Mom arranged a picnic with Aunt Charlene and Uncle Burl while at the last family reunion, so on Monday, we all met up. A new family picnic tradition started this year is for every single person to bring a surprise dish to share with everyone else. We used to be super organized and make sure we covered all the food groups.

Not anymore! Now we all just bring what's available and hope it works out, which is much more adventurous. So far, we've had some pretty well-balanced picnics. Kirk and I brought blackberries freshly-picked from the monster bushes in our backyard. Mmm...tasty!

There's nothing that feels quite as good as gathering together for a meal with the people you love most.
What's a Nielson family get-together without lots of activity? We can always count on Scott to bring his backpack full of frisbees. After all, he is quite the frisbee-playing adonis!
Playing 500 with Kirk is about as fun as licking a battery. You know it will be painful, but you just can't help yourself every once in a while. Kirk would reach up and pick the frisbee out of the air like nobody's business while the rest of us jumped pathetically, trying to reach higher than Kirk could.
Lastly, no Harmon can resist a mean game of cards. Just you try and outwit Charlene and Burl in 5 Crowns.

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