Kirk and I go on a date at least once a week. We like to do lots of different things, but pretty much just like spending time with each other. Earlier this month, when the Festival of Trees came along, Kirk wanted to go. Sweet!
I'm never going to turn down that offer! I love going to gather inspiration for decor, color schemes, and art projects. Plus, the festival is for an excellent purpose and is spiritually inspiring to me. It is a great way to get into the holiday spirit. Christmas! Woo-hoo! So, we made it a date:

I don't know if you know that a barn owl is my favorite of all the
birds. Well, it is, so now you know. And if I had a spirit animal, it would be a barn
owl. So, I found I was immediately drawn to the owls that were pretty prevalent in the decor. Behold, the wreath that took my breath away:
Guys. Check out this giant cookie cutter! See the lady standing behind it? That should give you an idea of how big this beast is. That cutter would make the hugest cookie ever! I need one.
Also, my current favorite color scheme (it changes all the time) is still making an appearance this year: teals in a variety of shades, along with browns and golds. So pretty! I could eat it right up!
I used this awesome date with Kirk to test-drive the camera on my new phone. I'm not going to lie, it's
so nice having a decent camera with me everywhere I go, and I like
the automatic photo filters I can play around with in mere seconds.

So, everyone has their own reasons for going to the Festival of Trees. Some people go for the sweet rolls (one sniff of the air could put you in a diabetic coma), or to support people performing at the event. Some people go to support a good cause or to pay tribute to a lost loved one. (Take note, Kirk: if I happen to die before you, I would appreciate a tactful and classy tribute in my honor in the form of a Festival of Trees display. You know what I like...or at least, what I don't like.) And I go for the eye candy and because I love glitter with all my heart.
What's your reason?