"A (wo)man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of (her)his life in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of beautiful God has implanted in the human soul."- Goethe

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Making Rolls

I feel like I'm pretty good at most of the things I try, but for the life of me, I cannot get good at making bread. Seriously. There was even one summer when I refused to let my husband buy any bread because I thought the desperation would help me learn faster. Did it work, you ask? I say unto you, nay. I still stink at making bread. And yet, I can't seem to let it go! I must keep trying even though the universe keeps telling me I was not meant to have this skill.

I can make a decent pizza dough for grilled pizzas, though, and we recently translated said dough into rolls:

With the assistance of my trusted kitchen helper, we busted out some tasty rolls. We were a great team, and it turns out that playing with bread dough is a lot like playing with playdough. Hmm. Go figure. The pictures make these suckers look much yummier than they really were. They were not amazing, guys, but they were edible. And that, to me, is a grand victory.

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